Our Therapy Team

The trust-wide Therapy team comprises of Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, and Speech and Language Therapy Assistants. Every member of the school community, including parents and carers, plays a key part in the delivery of our therapy services. Therapists work collaboratively with class teams and parents/carers to embed strategies within pupils’ natural environments. This reflects our belief that therapy is most effective when strategies to promote engagement and communication are incorporated ‘all day, every day’ at school and at home. We were delighted that the way we embed our therapy provision at Manor School, through effective multi-disciplinary collaboration, was recognised by Challenge Partners as an ‘Area of Excellence’ in 2019!

The Occupational Therapy team aims to promote each pupil’s participation, functioning and independence in learning, play, and self-care activities. This is achieved through supporting the development of pupil’s skills, adapting the activities that pupils want to, need to or are expected to do and modifying the environment in which pupils are engaging.

The Speech and Language Therapy team aims to ensure that each pupil has a functional mode of communication, and develops their expressive and receptive language skills during their time in our Trust. Communication is an essential life skill that is central to how we express our needs, emotions and ideas, build social relationships and learn new skills. Additionally, dysphagia assessment and intervention are provided as necessary to ensure that the risks associated with swallowing difficulties are minimised, making eating and drinking as safe as possible.

Both teams offer a wealth of training and support to school-based colleagues and families.

The Therapy team collaborate closely with other professionals in the wider Multi Agency Support team such as Behaviour Analysts, Family Support Practitioners, Intervention Specialists and the Thrive Practitioner ensuring a holistic approach to our pupils’ support.

For further information, please contact the Director of Inclusion, Emily Williams or Lead Occupational Therapist, Brooke Steer - we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.