Training Offer

At The Rise Partnership Trust, our specialists offer a range of training sessions which can be delivered either at one of our schools, or at your own school. 

Half-day or Twilight training sessions - cost per session £395

Training session 1: Curriculum, Assessment, and Target Setting 

  • Exploring curriculum design and adaptation in the context of EHCPs and the SEND code of practice.
  • Identifying the right key approaches to promote meaningful learning and support engagement across the curriculum.
  • Ideas for tracking progress over time with a focus on effective target-setting and encapsulating the small steps.
  • Support with the development of curriculum and assessment that suits the strengths and needs of each child and meets them at their precise point of learning.

Training session 2: Introduction to Positive Behavioural Support

  • What is Positive Behavioural Support?
  • Explore environmental factors that may affect an individual’s behaviour.
  • Discover ways in which to gather information and understand why a behaviour of concern may be occurring.
  • Identify, safe, alternative behaviours that will allow an individual to express and get their needs met.
  • Learn strategies to support individuals that may engage in behaviours that challenge at all stages of conflict.

Training session 3: Promoting Engagement and Communication

  • Introduction to the 5 lenses of the Engagement Model.
  • Learn why it is important to prioritise engagement within the classroom and its impact on the wider curriculum.
  • Identify key factors that may affect pupil engagement.
  • Introducing the requesting repertoire and understanding its importance in developing communication.
  • Strategies for teaching pupils a verbal repertoire (vocal communication and AAC).

Training session 4: Maths

  • How to support the development of early numeracy skills for all learners including those with SEND.
  • Become familiar with the research and theory behind the steps in children’s development of early numeracy skills.
  • Explore approaches, activities and resources that can effectively support the development of such skills.
  • Practise identifying gaps in the development of early numeracy skills and reflect on how these can be addressed.

Training session 5: Literacy

  • How to support the development of early literacy skills for all learners including those with SEND.
  • To understand the importance of early reading skills, including phonics. 
  • Explore activities, resources and adaptive approaches that can effectively support the development of early reading and writing skills for pupils with SEND.

Training session 6: Embedding Therapeutic Approaches

  • How to embed therapeutic approaches to support: pupil engagement, participation, access to the curriculum and development of functional skills.



Feedback from colleagues was overwhelming positive, most colleagues strongly agreed that:

  • The aims of the sessions were met.
  • Content was presented clearly and effectively and useful to their role.
  • Content will have an impact on their approach.
  • The sessions were enjoyable, and the length of the sessions were appropriate.

Absolutely fantastic session, very clear, very engaging, fantastic presentation.

Training session 1: Curriculum, Assessment, and Target Setting 

If you are interested in booking an RPT training offer, please get in contact at:

If you require a bespoke training session, an additional charge will be made.